

Dzięki uprzejmości kanału 13 Ulica otrzymałem możliwośc przeprowadzenia wywiadu z reżyserem serialu Les Temoins (Świadkowie), Hervé Hadmarem i odtwórczynią głównej roli, Marie Dompnier . Efekt możecie przeczytać poniżej :). i Pamiętajcie, w sobotę ostatni odcinek!


Hervé Hadmar

1. What was your inspiration when creating the series and its concept?

First, the photographic work of Gregory Crewdson. There is something very strong and mysterious in his work. A woman in a bedroom. A child, alone in a house: something is going to happen or something just happened… a tense, very emotional mystery. We are in “the eye of the cyclone”.
There is also the photographic work of Erwin Olaf. For the tone, the colours, this “Scandinavian” light and again those characters, alone, in this strange sexual tension.
With Marc Herpoux, my co-writer, we wanted to create a “Nordic noir”; a “Nordic Thriller”… we watched a lot of Scandinavian and British shows: “The Killing”; “The Bridge”; “he Fall”…
And as a director, I very much admire the work and craft of David Fincher. Movies like “Zodiac” or “The Girl with a Dragon tattoo” were an inspiration for me and the look of “Witnesses”.

2. Do you think that American TV series like „True Detective” are influencing European TV? If so, what is changing?

We are all watching the same series and yes “True Detective” is an incredible artistic success. But it was not the main influence for “witnesses”. European shows were. The thing is that today, series are becoming this “cultural phenomenon” all around the world. Now, every broadcaster needs something different, original and edgy to exist in the mind of their viewers. What is changing now with this “global market of series” is that for everybody to survive they have to take risks and have to be innovative. I must say it’s a very good period in time and space to create shows.

3. Your main protagonist is a woman. This is not a typical measure in this genre. Did you have to change your way of thinking while creating this character’s behavior?

Well… the leading characters of “The Killing”; “The Bridge” and “Homeland” are women. So… no, it does not seem so unusual. Is it more difficult for me, as a man to write for a woman? To be true to a female character? I don’t really know. For “Witnesses”, “Becoming Sandra” the writing process was really fun and easy for me. I understood the character really well, I knew her fears and hopes; I knew she had this “ideal family life” in her head and I had a name in mind : “Marie Dompnier”… I wanted her to be Sandra and I had “the music of her voice ” and her energy in mind during all the writing process.

4. Why did you choose northern France as a location for the events of the series?

The atmosphere. The quality of light. I wanted winter, rain and big grey skies.

5. Could you describe your work with the actors? How was Marie Dompnier on the set?

First of all, it’s very important for me to create and work in “a very positive mood”. Making a series like “Witnesses” takes two years of my life so I want the experience to be intense and as joyful as possible. I’m very close to the actors. I talk a lot with them, before the shooting, exploring the characters. During the shooting, everything is going so fast… I always have two cameras… we’re shooting 4 to 6 pages of script per day so… all the answers to all the questions are most likely found before that.
Marie had no experience with cameras before “witnesses”. She was a little bit nervous at the beginning but soon, she has seen the smile on my face and on the face of all the rest of the cast. She was good the first day, very good the second and after that… wow… She was very concentrate (focused). For 75 days of shooting you have to be prepared both physically and psychologically… she was.


6. Could you tell us more about your new series?

I will direct a 3 part mini-series this summer for ARTE. I have written “Beyond the Walls” with Marc Herpoux. Lincoln TV will produce this strange and beautiful story about a woman trapped in a very scary house…. Think of “The Others” meets “Twilight Zone”.
Then, I will hopefully direct the second season of “Witnesses” which is now in the writing process. A entire new mystery to solve for Sandra and Justin.
After that, I will probably be showrunning my first series is English. A project called: “Big Sky”.

7. What are your favorite films and TV series?

Too many to quote. Just a few of them : “Night of the Hunter”; “Vertigo”; “Taxi Driver”; “The Godfather”; “Casino”; “Zodiac” for the movies… “Twin Peaks”, “The Sopranos”, “Lost”, “Breaking Bad”… and ten dozens of others series…

8. Do you like happy endings?

In life, yes but it’s very rare…
In movies or series, no… it’s also very rare…


Marie Dompnier

1. What can you tell us about your character?

Sandra is a young lady passionate about her work; she lives for it. This investigation is really important for her since it’s the first time she handles such an important case.
She’s a bit of a control-freak. She’s a very anxious woman but she tries to hide it. She’s worried of how things are going to end; therefore she tries to control everything to calm her anxiety.
At the beginning of the show, her personal life is complicated.

2. How was it to work with Herve Hadmar?

It was incredibly interesting and rewarding; a true joint effort in which the actor speaks his/her ideas.

3. Do you like northern France?
Yes, it’s very melancholic – typical of the region which adds an important element to the series.

4. Please tell us something about the series, something from the perspective of your character.

Sandra childhood’s fears come back and haunt her.

5. What are your favorite films and TV series?

All About my mother – Pedro Almodovar

Opening Night – Cassavetes




Dzisiaj film dłuższy i cięższy, ale za to jakże treściwy! Ten wywiad z Billym Wilderem, jednym z najwspanialszych reżyserów i scenarzystów swojego pokolenia (jak i całej historii kina) pozwala zajrzeć w głąb jego warsztatu i poznać sposób jego pracy. Autor takich arcydzieł jak “Double Indemnity”, “Sunset Boulevard”, “Some Like It Hot” czy “The Apartment”  opowiedział o kulisach ich powstania, o tym jak kino się zmienia, oraz o bolączkach współczesnych twórców, okraszając swój wywód kilkoma wspaniałymi anegdotami. Naprawdę polecam każdemu, kto zajmuje się Kinem lub jest jego entuzjastą!


Wrzucam tu mashupy i montaże wielu różnych motywów i filmów. Czasami trafia się perełka taka jak ten montaż scen rozmów rekrutacyjnych, który prezentuję wam dzisiaj. Nie jest to majstersztyk montażu i dźwięku, ale nie o to w nim chodzi. Większość tych scen jest przerysowana, ale przecież własnie dlatego zapady nam w pamięć, poza tym bądźmy szczerzy, czy część z was nie dostrzega w tym filmiku jakiś dalekich ech swoich rozmów o pracę? 😀